
March Tasks

Here is a list of March tasks:

Sharpen those tools you did not get to in November.

Prune, prune, prune.  Now you can see what needs to be removed and you won’t be stimulating new growth at the wrong time.

Make sure you have the supplies you need for the season that starts in April — organic fertilizer (I use Plant Tone and Holly Tone); systemic granule Japanese beetle control (gets put down in March or April and is taken up through roots); Deer Off.

Review the list of changes you want to make to your garden and that, of course, you carefully noted as you were taking down the garden last October.

Line up the help you need.

And how about those houseplants?  Could they use some help?  Good time to repot them.  And while you are out in the garage repotting, take a moment to get the garage ready, because when spring comes, it springs.