Perennial Wisdom talks are designed to provide practical advice for designing and maintaining a garden. They are also designed to explore what it means to be a gardener. Fees vary according to size and location of group.
“Principles of Garden Design” –this talk is designed for the average gardener who wants an above average garden. Understanding some of the fundamental principles of garden design makes it possible for even the beginning gardener to create a garden that is extraordinary.
“Lower-Maintenance Perennial Gardening”–we love the classic perennial border but it is a lot of work. Constant bloom means constant deadheading, staking, cutting back. But a concrete slab is not the answer. The lower maintenance garden provides an option between these extremes that meets the needs of those with less time to devote to gardening. This talk provides tips for reducing work in the garden and introduces participants to a variety of lower-maintenance plantings.
“Interesting and Underused Trees”—this talk focuses on deciduous trees with four season interest that may not be as familiar to viewers as the maple or the locust. We don’t often get the chance to plant a tree. Let’s make the most of it by having a wide range of options.
“Waking Up the Garden in the Spring”– as the winter drags on, we all look forward to that moment when we can be outside again and in our gardens. But what should we do in preparation for that moment? And what should we do when the moment comes? There is the garden and the gardener. What does it mean for us to wake up as gardeners? This talk offers some answers to these questions in a context that is both practical and playful.
“Putting the Garden to Bed”–caught between the desire to squeeze the last bit of joy out of the autumn garden and the knowledge that winter is coming, we all need a bit of help deciding what to do when. This talk focuses on a practical but adaptable schedule for taking down the garden.
“Winter Interest” — we live where winter can last four months. We can’t be without our gardens for this long. What can we do? Plant for winter interest. This presentation explores the many ways gardens can provide beauty and interest in the midst of winter, from trees to shrubs to perennials to rocks and pine cones. We also explore various ways to be in the garden while inside.”
Perennial Wisdom classes are held at my home and are designed to provide those who take them with an “in garden” experience. Classes give those participating the chance to view on-site the topic under discussion. Class size is limited to 10 so that there is time for individual attention. Current cost is $25 per person. Classes run from 1 to 1 ½ hours.
Available classes include “Design Challenges and How to Meet Them (or not),” “Perennial Basics,” and “Unique Trees for Landscape Interest.” Contact me to reserve a class for your garden club or interest group.